Famous pathologist dishes ice cream

The chair of my pathology department started working at a local ice cream store. His idea was to catch residents and other hospital staff while they were getting ice cream and then convince them to give money to the department to fund research. We all went to the ice cream store to get some cones and laugh at the sight of this guy wearing an apron and getting ice cream dribble all over his forearms.
Later in the dream, I woke up, and then was compelled, although somewhat fearful, to tell the chair about my hilarious dream. I told both him and one of the program directors in the hallway outside their office. They smiled and hugged me, and we all had a good laugh.
last night i had a dream in which i was in school for nazis and i was hoping that no one would notice that i wasn't white. i was there with my brother and as we wandered from room to room the school turned into the largest yacht in the world, and we sailed the entire mediterranean. suddenly, my brother asked if i knew of any good blogs, and i said "yes, i know of one. a friend keeps a blog in which she writes about her dreams. it is her dream blog. she is erythema." and then i woke up, and thus the dream blog became a dream in itself, demonstrating morpheus' penchant for cross-connecting his realms, both imagined and cyber.
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