My friend Jamie finally joined the world of online dating. To show her openness to different kind of relationships, she listed her romantic inclinations as "men, women, and esoterica."
Jamie and I went to the movies, and ran into Jim Garman, who I hadn't seen for years and years. He was despondent over just seeing a depressing movie called 'The Secret Life of Bees' and was less excited than I thought he'd be to see me. Some other event then happened involving Natasha Rudd, a girl from my high school, doing a performance for a church, stealing seven dollars from the church children, and trying to hide it. We then reunited with Jim.
Jamie rode along with Jim on the way home from the theater, and I followed them in my car since my stuff was at her house. I lost them on the road, and when I tried to turn around to follow another route to find them, I drove by a man standing on his porch who started laughing at my lack of direction. I did another U-turn, and ended up driving my car into a pool.
I was embarrassed at this mistake, but miraculously was able to drag my car out of the water by picking it up with one hand. I left it to air-dry and started walking down some steep steps to Jamie's house. Then, I realized I had lost the keys I had just had a few minutes ago. I realized I was wearing a skimpy bikini-like outfit that I didn't remember putting on. Things started feeling a little strange, like that 2NU song "Ponderous."
I then arrived at an apartment complex, perplexed. I decided that I must be dreaming, because too many things didn't make sense. In addition to the bizarreness above, it was a bright, sunny day, but I knew it was the middle of the night.
I was walking along a second-story outdoor pathway and ran into some fishing lines that had two hooks hanging from them in the middle of the walk. I got pissed that someone would leave hooks haphazardly hanging, waiting to injure someone, but then realized that I could use these fishing lines as a test. If I could somehow tangle myself up in them in some sort of bizarre way, this would prove that I was dreaming. I desperately wanted to wake up.
Just then, I was saved by the bell. The bell being, of course, the call pager, with a call from the blood bank bringing me back to the all-too-real world of patients with cancer on chemotherapy that need my approval to receive platelets.